hello world!

Oxymaven is finally live!


March 14, 2022

First off I want to thank everyone for signing up to the mailing list. I also want to thank everyone who tested the first concept of the block set and delivered valuable feedback. You guys are awesome.

Since the first release of the block set in December we have come a long way! I’m so excited to share this with you guys. We have been working so hard on this project in between projects and are finally done.

Origin Library

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I want to present to you guys our flagship product ORIGIN Library.

It has more than 500+ blocks spanning over 22 categories. All built with Vanilla Automatic CSS. We also added custom css and JS scripts where necessary but nothing too heavy that would add bloat to your project. All blocks are automatically responsive and ready to go!

This is the very first version and we plan on growing out ORIGIN to be a larger block library with all kinds of simple and complex designs. Our goal is not to only stick to Oxygen but also venture out to other builders when they are supported by Automatic CSS.

We do have plans on converting the ORIGIN library to vanilla Oxygen where we will use custom css to build every block.

The full library can be accessed on the Oxymaven website. Users can copy blocks directly from the library and paste them in their project. No site key and no extra plugin needed! It’s as easy as that!

If you are on the fence we have a free version where you can test the ORIGIN library to see if the product is of any value to you before buying. You get access to 75 blocks with which you can do what you like.

You can only use the blocks if you are a license holder of the Automatic CSS utility framework. If you don’t have it yet you can get it here(<– affiliate link)

We are running a limited time lifetime access to the library on the website for 1 week, after that it’s gone. There is already a yearly plan available for those that want to walk that route. We want to keep the project sustainable as we will be adding blocks weekly and continuing the expansion of the block library and upgrading the platform.

Custom Design sets

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Our second product will focus on extending the current Oxygen design library. We want to give users more variety in starter templates as the current Oxygen templates are old and need a serious upgrade. We believe that custom design sets can help those that are uninspired or those “simple” projects you want to set up as quickly as possible and still deliver top notch quality, leaving your clients gasping for air.As we speak we only have one design set built for the portfolio niche. It’s a clean and modern design built for conversion. Check it out here.


We are currently working on the roadmap. You can expect it to be live in the coming 2 weeks after launch. We want to implement the accessibility options Automatic CSS has made available to us and also add more blocks in different categories. We also plan on adding page templates using the existing blocks, as to give you more inspiration when building your next project. Look out for the roadmap.

Early launch

This is kind of an early launch as the website still has some cosmetic changes we need to attend to. But nevertheless the way to the library and custom design set is open.

Enough talk from me. Time to visit the website.

Accelerate your next building project with > https://oxymaven.com

Let us know what you guys think. We truly expect to hear from you!