hello world!

Getting started with the Digital agency design set:


May 29, 2022

Watch the full video here!

Please follow this guide to setup the design set correctly. Not doing so will lead to frustration and errors.

We presume you have installed WordPress, Oxygen, Automatic CSS and Hydrogen paste or Swiss knife plugin. Without these you will not be able to make this work.

Download files

From the download section on Oxymaven you will see a few files you need to download.

  1. Oxygen settings (This will install all the oxygen settings in the backend and also in the editor. This also includes the css stylesheet needed to make the utility styling work)
  2. Acss settings (This will install the oxygen settings we used on the design set)
  3. ma-styles (This is the css styles we used to style the design set. We added this file in case we make changes to the css file and it needs to be updated. You can copy the content and paste it in the ma-styles.css file in the Oxygen Editor. Note: This css file will be installed automatically when you install the Oxygen settings!)

Install Oxygen settings

Go to Oxygen > Export and import

Copy the code from the Oxygen-settings.txt file and paste it in the import field.

No need to import global colors. Click on “Import Global Settings”.

This will import all the settings in the editor and also the settings in the plugin. You can always make changes as you see fit.

Install the Automatic css settings

This step is crucial as you want to get the correct settings installed. After this you can tweak it to your liking. You can also choose not to install the settings and tweak things as you see fit. 

For those that want to install the settings, follow this steps:

Go to Automatic CSS > Import & Export

Click on “Update Framework settings” and you are done.

Install the site key

Grab the site key from the download section in your Oxymaven account.

My Account > Orders > View Details and Downloads

In the backend of WordPress go to:

Oxygen > Settings > Library

Enable 3rd party design set and save the changes.

Add design set > Add source site > Paste the site key and click on “add source site”.

The site key has now been added to Oxygen and you now have access to the design set. The blocks and page templates of the are now visible in the design library.

Next steps

We have now set the foundation of the design set and you are ready to start importing the blocks.

There are some blocks that need explanation so you can set them up perfectly!

Testimonials section

To get this section to function change the section ID(testimonial 19) to testimonial-static. Everything should function perfectly now.

Case slider section

This is a repeater element and has to be connected to a custom post type to work. This is how to set it up:

Click on the repeater element

On your left side the settings for the repeater appear. Click on the query button:

On the next screen you choose between default, custom, manual or advanced.

If you want to know how to set this up check out the oxygen repeater documentation.